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The Marine Global Change group is within the Umeå Marine Sciences Centre and the Department of Ecology and Environmental Science at Umeå University  in Sweden. Our research profile is multidisciplinary and this is reflected in the composition of the team. We conduct research on marine biogeochemistry, ecology, biology, geology, climate change and oceanography.



Lab group fieldwork: Charlotte's joy at successful sample collection!


Nick Kamenos (PI)

Professor of Marine Ecosystem Science

My research  asks questions about global change and marine environments with focus on ecosystem engineers


Adriano Bonforti

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

My research uses numerical ecology to investigate the break down of symbioses as an adaptive / acclimatory process using coral reefs as a model system


Lourdes Martinez Garcia

Postdoctoral Scholar

My research focuses on the anthropogenic and environmental effects on ecological interactions within the marine ecosystem. In particular, I use ancient DNA methods to provide novel insights into historical coral bleaching events.

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Alexandra Rouillard

Postdoctoral Scholar

I use geochemical and molecular tools to study paleoecological and paleoclimatic change in aquatic-terrestrial ecosystems on various spatial and temporal scales. Together with the Marine Global Change Group, I will investigate carbon transfer though the land-sea continuum. Specifically, I seek to understand the influence of Swedish landuse on historical riverine organic C export and burial in coastal systems of the Baltic Sea.


Irene Olive

Affiliated Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Investigating the impact of global change on seagrass ecosystems and their biogeochemical cycling

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Lydia Bach

Honorary Postdoctoral Research Assistant

My interests lie in marine global change and their impact on ecosystem services, at present I am investigating Arctic blue carbon in a changing world

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Charlotte Slaymark

Affiliated Research Technician

I am interested in the application of analytical chemistry to understand climate change and environmental response in terrestrial and marine systems. My background in environmental chemistry is applied to the analysis of environmental, water and biogeochemical samples and the field work associated. I maintain, manage and train members of the group in the Mesocosm Facility, Bio-Earth wet chemistry laboratory and Geographical and Earth Sciences' Isotope Facility.


Seb Leveque

PhD candidate

My research investigates coral bleaching trajectories in the context on climate change. 


Kelly James

PhD candidate

Blue Carbon in a changing world: My interests are in the effects of anthropogenically induced climate change on coralline algal systems. I am using a variety of geochemical techniques to investigate how the ability of coralline algae to sequester carbon varies under a range of climate scenarios.

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Beth Langley

PhD candidate

My research investigages Arctic blue carbon with a focus on the human and climatic drivers of change


Shannon Hanson

Visiting PhD candidate from HKU

Nitrogen cycling in coralline algae: My interests are in the cycling of nitrogen by coralline algae and the systems they engineer; in particular working with Nick's group at Glasgow I am asking questoins about coraline algal nitrogen cycling under global change.


Ellen MacDonald

PhD candidate

Oceans on Acid: My interests are in the impact of ocean acidification on marine ecosystems over the past hundred years. Using coralline algae I am reconstructing high resolution records of ocean acidification in sites in Greenland, Scotland and Australia. A mix of geochemical techniques and ecological profiling is being used to investigate these changes


Nadia Jogee

PhD candidate

I’m interested in why some tropical corals are more resilient to environmental change than others. Coralliths are unattached, free-living corals that get moved around by wave action. This means they frequently experience variation in environmental parameters, such as light availability. My project aims to understand the limiting factors of corallith formation, why can only a handful of coral species form coralliths? And what ecological role might coralliths play in reef recovery and expansion, are they important in reef establishment and succession?

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Sophie Plant

MRes candidate

My research is investigating how we can decipher the triggers of ecosystem engineer resilience to changing trend and variability of global change


Bonnie Lewis

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Research associate in investigating historic  changes in the Greenland Ice Sheet and their role in driving marine ecosystem structure

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Kate Schoenrock

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Research associate in marine global change investigating historic  changes in the Greenland Ice Sheet and their role in driving marine ecosystem structure

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Heather Baxter

Postdoctoral Research Associate and previously PhD scholar

I am interested in the capacity of corals to survive in changing oceans. My research focuses on coral bleaching where I am investigating host-symbiont associations in the context of adaption or acclimation to place recent bleaching trends into an environmentally relevant context.


Kostas Gergoulas

PhD scholar

Modelling how corals apply the Goldilocks Principle to engineer habitat

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Jinhua Mao

PhD Scholar

I'm interested in carbon storage by coastal habitats, especially by coralline algal systems. My research investigates both carbon burial processes and modification of benthic seawater chemistry by algal metabolic and calcification processes.  My research uses both field work and lab experiments involving both stable & radio isotopes


Hans Recknagel

PhD Scholar

I am generally interested in the evolution of biodiversity in the animal kingdom. In particular, I am keen on understanding in which way organisms are adapted to their environment and how this is achieved on the genomic level. Parallel evolution constitutes a strong framework to study how the environment has repeatedly driven the evolution of similar forms via natural selection. In this context, I am particularly fascinated how key adaptations have evolved independently in distinct lineages.


Crystal Smiley

PhD Scholar

Many parts of the climate system, including impacts of freshwater input on polar oceans, are not fully understood. This limits our ability to determine the drivers of unexpected climate variations. My research uses oxygen and hydrogen isotopic fractionation during the land-ocean transit of freshwater to understand the 1) variablity of freshwater distribution in the marine environment, 2) the capacity of marine palaeoenvironmental proxies to record seasonal North Atlantic climatic variability and 3) the impact of freshwater on the climate system.


Kirsty Hill

PhD Scholar

Novel marine pCO2 sensors for marine biogeochemical applications


Charlotte Young

MSc Scholar

Breathing reefs: ocean-atmosphere carbon exchange of tropical coral reefs. Corals are ecosystem engineers that create morphological complex reefs, supporting some of the most diverse ecosystems in the oceans, yet climate change is rapidly altering their metabolic processes. My research focuses on quantifying patterns in air-sea CO2 gas exchange driven by coral reef ecosystems, both now and under projected climate change. My work will help determine the future role of the ocean in the carbon cycle. 

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Alyssa Bell

MSc Scholar

Spatial coral bleaching patterns and processes: I am interested in the spatial distribution of Symbiodinium across the wider Caribbean region. My research aims to characterise the Symbiodinium communities associated with coral reef organisms at numerous sites across the wider Caribbean region in order to identify areas of high/low Symbiodinium diversity

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