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Burdett, H. L., Albright, R., Foster, G. L., Mass, T., Page, T. M., Rinkevich, B., Schoepf, V., Silverman, J., & Kamenos, N. A. 2024. Including environmental and climatic considerations for sustainable coral reef restoration. PLoS biology, 22(3), e3002542. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.3002542


Rasher, D.B., Steneck, R.S., Halfar, J., Kroeker, K.J., Ries, J.B., Tinker, M.T., Chan, P.T.W., Fietzke, J., Kamenos, N.A., Konar, B.H., Lefcheck, J.S., Norley, C.J.D., Weitzman, B.P., Westfield, I.T., and Estes, J.A. 2020. Keystone predators govern the pathway and pace of climate impacts in a subarctic marine ecosystem. Science 369, 1351-1354. doi: 10.1126/science.aav7515

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Global Change Biology

James, K., Macreadie, P. I., Burdett, H. L., Davies, I., & Kamenos, N. A. 2024. It's time to broaden what we consider a ‘blue carbon ecosystem’. Global Change Biology, 30(5), e17261. doi:

All publications

Global Change Biology

Mao, J., Burdett, H.L., Mcgill, R.a.R., Newton, J., Gulliver, P., and Kamenos, N.A. 2020. Carbon burial over the last four millennia is regulated by both climatic and land use change. Global Change Biology. doi: 10.1111/gcb.15021

My group and I have published over 70 papers and book chapters on marine global change biology and biogeochemistry. See my Google Scholar profle for the most up to date list of publications and metrics

Book chapters:

1.    Kamenos, N. A., & Hennige, S. J. (2024). A Historic perspective to thermal and heatwave induced bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef. In E. Wolanski & M. Kingsford (Eds.), Oceanographic Processes of Coral Reefs. Physical and Biological Links in the Great Barrier Reef (2 ed.): Routledge.
2.    Kamenos, N.A., Burdett, H.L., & Darrenogue, N. Coralline algae as palaeoclimatic proxies. In Rhodolith/Maerl Beds: A Global Perspective (Eds: Riosmena-Rodríguez, R. Nelson, W. Aguire, J.). Elsevier. 2016 (ISBN: 3319293133)
3.    Roberts, J.M., Murray, F., Hennige, S., Fox, A., Henry, L-A., Kamenos, N.A., Gori, A., Anagnostou, E., Foster, G. Cold‐water corals in an era of rapid global change: are these the deep ocean’s most vulnerable ecosystems?. In: The cnidaria, past, present and future. (Eds; Goffredo, S and Dubinsky, Z). Elsevier. 2016.
4.    Foster, M.S, Filho, G.M.A., Kamenos, N.A., Riosmena-Rodríguez, R. & Steller, D.L. 2013. Rhodoliths and rhodolith beds. In: The revolution of science through SCUBA (Eds: Lang, M.A., Marinelli, R.L., Roberts, S.J. & Taylor, R.P.). Smithsonian Proceedings. 2013


Peer reviewed publications:​​

  1. Mao, J., Burdett, H. L., & Kamenos, N. A. (2024). Efficient carbon recycling between calcification and photosynthesis in red coralline algae. Biology Letters, 20(6), 20230598. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2023.0598

  2. James, K., Macreadie, P. I., Burdett, H. L., Davies, I., & Kamenos, N. A. (2024). It's time to broaden what we consider a ‘blue carbon ecosystem’. Global Change Biology, 30(5), e17261. doi:

  3. Burdett, H. L., Albright, R., Foster, G. L., Mass, T., Page, T. M., Rinkevich, B., Schoepf, V., Silverman, J., & Kamenos, N. A. (2024). Including environmental and climatic considerations for sustainable coral reef restoration. PLoS biology, 22(3), e3002542. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.3002542

  4. Tuya, F., Schubert, N., Aguirre, J., Basso, D., Bastos, E. O., Berchez, F., Bernardino, A. F., Bosch, N. E., Burdett, H. L., Espino, F., Fernández-Gárcia, C., Francini-Filho, R. B., Gagnon, P., Hall-Spencer, J. M., Haroun, R., Hofmann, L. C., Horta, P. A., Kamenos, N. A., Le Gall, L., Magris, R. A., Martin, S., Nelson, W. A., Neves, P., Olivé, I., Otero-Ferrer, F., Peña, V., Pereira-Filho, G. H., Ragazzola, F., Rebelo, A. C., Ribeiro, C., Rinde, E., Schoenrock, K., Silva, J., Sissini, M. N., & Tâmega, F. T. S. (2023). Levelling-up rhodolith-bed science to address global-scale conservation challenges. Science of the Total Environment, 892, 164818. doi:

  5. Hofmann, L.C., Schoenrock, K.M, Kamenos, N.A., Aguirre, J., Silva, J., Schubert, N. 2022 Coralline algae: Past, present, and future perspectives. Frontiers in Marine Science 2022 doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.109727

  6. Olivé, I., García-Robledo, E., Silva, J., Pintado-Herrera, M.G., Santos, R., Kamenos, N.A., Cuet, P., Frouin, P. 2022. Contribution of the seagrass Syringodium isoetifolium to the metabolic functioning of a tropical reef lagoon. Frontiers in Marine Science 2022 doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.867986

  7. Pearce, D.M., Lea, J.M., Mair, D.W.F., Rea, B.R.,  Schofield, E.J., Kamenos, N.A., Schoenrock, K.M., Stachnik, L., Lewis, B., Barr, I., Mottram, R. 2022. Greenland tidewater glacier advanced rapidly during era of Norse settlement." Geology

  8. Recknagel, H., Carruthers, M., Yurchenko, A., Nokhbatolfoghahai, M., Kamenos, N.A., Bain, M.M., Elmer, K.R. 2021. The functional genetic architecture of egg-laying and live-bearing reproduction. Nature Ecology and Evolution.

  9. Hennige, S.J., Larsson, A.I., Orejas, C., Gori, A., De Clippele, L.H., Lee, Y.C., Jimeno, G., Georgoulas, K., Kamenos, N.A. and Roberts, J. M. 2021. Using the Goldilocks Principle to model coral ecosystem engineering. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 288(1956), 20211260. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2021.1260

  10. Recknagel, H., Kamenos. N.A., and Elmer K. 2021. Evolutionary origins of viviparity associated with palaeoclimate and lineage diversification Journal of Evolutionary Biology doi:

  11. Peña, V., Bélanger, D., Gagnon, P., Richards, J.L., Le Gall, L., Hughey, J.R., Saunders, G.W., Lindstrom, S.C., Rinde, E., Husa, V., Christie, H., Fredriksen, S., Hall-Spencer, J.M., Steneck, R.S., Gitmark, J., Grefsrud, E.S., Anglès d’Auriac, M.B., Legrand, E.,  Grall, J., Kamenos, N.A., & Gabrielson, P. 2021. Lithothamnion (Hapalidiales, Rhodophyta) in the changing Arctic and Subarctic: DNA sequencing of type and recent specimens provides a systematic foundation. European Journal of Phycology.

  12. Rasher, D.B., Steneck, R.S., Halfar, J., Kroeker, K.J., Ries, J.B., Tinker, M.T., Chan, P.T.W., Fietzke, J., Kamenos, N.A., Konar, B.H., Lefcheck, J.S., Norley, C.J.D., Weitzman, B.P., Westfield, I.T., and Estes, J.A. 2020. Keystone predators govern the pathway and pace of climate impacts in a subarctic marine ecosystem. Science 369, 1351-1354. doi: 10.1126/science.aav7515

  13. Mao, J., Burdett, H. L., McGill, R. A. R., Newton, J., Gulliver, P., & Kamenos, N. A. 2020. Carbon burial over the last four millennia is regulated by both climatic and land use change. Global Change Biology 26, 2496-2504. doi:10.1111/gcb.15021

  14. Kamenos, N.A., and Hennige, S.J. 2020. Commentary: Commentary on Reconstructing Four Centuries of Temperature-Induced Bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef by Hoegh-Guldberg et al. 2019 and DeCarlo 2020. Frontiers in Marine Science 2020. Doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.570620

  15. Hennige, S., Wolfram, U., Wickes, L., Murray, F., Roberts, J.M., Kamenos, N.A, Schofield, S., Groetsch, A., Spiesz, E., and Aubin-Tam, M.-E. 2020. Crumbling reefs and cold-water coral habitat loss in a future ocean: evidence of ‘coralporosis’ as an indicator of habitat integrity. Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 668. doi: doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00668

  16. Schubert, N., Schoenrock, K. M., Aguirre, J., Kamenos, N. A., Silva, J., Horta, P. A., & Hofmann, L. C. 2020. Editorial: Coralline Algae: Globally Distributed Ecosystem Engineers. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7,352. doi:10.3389/fmars.2020.00352

  17. Porter, J., Austin, W., Burrows, M., Clarke, D., Davies, G., Kamenos, N.A., Riegel, S., Smeaton, C., Page, C., and Want, A. 2020. Blue carbon audit of Scottish waters. Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science 11, 0-96. doi: 10.7489/12262-1

  18. Schofield, J.E., Pearce, D.M., Mair, D.W.F., Rea, B.R., Lea, J.M., Kamenos, N.A., Schoenrock, K.M., Barr, I.D., and Edwards, K.J. 2019. Pushing the Limits: Palynological Investigations at the Margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet in the Norse Western Settlement. Environmental Archaeology, 1-15. doi: 10.1080/14614103.2019.1677075

  19. Schoenrock, K.M., Vad, J., Muth, A., Pearce, D.M., Rea, B.R., Schofield, J.E., and Kamenos, N.A. (2018). Biodiversity of kelp forests and coralline algae habitats in southwestern Greenland. Diversity 10, 117. doi: 10.3390/d10040117

  20. Schoenrock, K.M., Bacquet, M., Pearce, D., Rea, B.R., Schofield, J.E., Lea, J., Mair, D., and Kamenos, N.A. 2018. Influences of salinity on the physiology and distribution of the Arctic coralline algae, Lithothamnion glaciale (Corallinales, Rhodophyta). Journal of Phycology 54, 690-702. doi: 10.1111/jpy.12774

  21. Küpper, F.C., and Kamenos, N.A. 2018. The future of marine biodiversity and marine ecosystem functioning in UK coastal and territorial waters (including UK Overseas Territories)–with an emphasis on marine macrophyte communities. Botanica Marina 61, 521-535. doi: 10.1515/bot-2018-0076

  22. Kamenos, N.A., Hennige, S.J. 2018. Reconstructing four centuries of temperature-induced bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef. Frontiers in Marine Science

  23. McCoy S.J., Kamenos, N.A. 2018. Coralline algal skeletal mineralogy affects grazer impacts. Global Change Biology 24, 4775-4783 doi: 10.1111/gcb.14370

  24. McCoy S.J., Kamenos, N.A., Chung, P., Wooton, J.T., Pfister, C.A. 2018. A mineralogical record of ocean change: decadal and centennial patterns in the California mussel. Global Change Biology 24:2554-2562

  25. Burdett, H.L., Perna, G., McKay, L., Broomhead, G., Kamenos, N.A. 2018. Community-level sensitivity of a calcifying ecosystem to acute in situ CO2 enrichment. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 587:73-80 doi:

  26. Pearce, D.M., Mair, D.W.F., Rea, B.R., Lea, J.M., Schofield, J.E., Kamenos, N.A. and Schoenrock, K. 2018. The glacial geomorphology of upper Godthåbsfjord (Nuup Kangerlua) in southwest Greenland. Journal of Maps 14:45-55 doi:10.1080/17445647.2017.1422447

  27. Recknagel, H., Kamenos, N.A., Elmer, K.R. 2018. Common lizards break Dollo’s law of irreversibility: genome-wide phylogenomics support a single origin of viviparity and re-evolution of oviparity. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 2018. 127, 579-588. doi:

  28. Bach, L.L, Freer, J.J., Kamenos N.A. 2017. In situ response of tropical coralline algae to a novel thermal regime. Frontiers in Marine Science. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2017.00212

  29. Hennige, S.J., Burdett, H.L., Perna, G., Tudhope, A.W. and Kamenos, N.A. 2017 The potential for coral reef establishment through free-living stabilization. Nature Scientific Reports. 7, 13322. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-13668-7

  30. Kamenos N.A., Perna G, Gambi M.C., Micheli F, Kroeker K.J. 2016. Coralline algae in a naturally acidified ecosystem persist by maintaining control of skeletal mineralogy and size. Proceedings of the Royal Society: B. 283:20161159. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2016.1159

  31. Fitzer, S.C., Chung, P., Maccherozzi, F., Dhesi, S.S., Kamenos, N.A., Phoenix, V.R., Cusack, M. 2016 Biomineral shell formation under ocean acidification: a shift from order to chaos. Nature Scientific Reports. 6, 21076. doi: 10.1038/srep21076

  32. van der Heijden, L. H., & Kamenos, N. A. 2015. Calculating the global contribution of coralline algae to total carbon burial. Biogeosciences, 12:6429-6441. doi:10.5194/bg-12-6429-2015

  33. Burdett, H.L., Hatton, A.D., & Kamenos, N.A. Coralline algae are a globally significant pool of marine dimethylated sulphur. 2015. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 29:1845-1853 doi: 10.1002/2015GB005274

  34. Fitzer, S.C., Vittert, L., Bowman, A., Kamenos, N.A., Phoenix, V. R. & Cusack, M. 2015. Ocean acidification and temperature increase impacts mussel shell shape and thickness: problematic for protection? Ecology & Evolution. doi: 10.1002/ece3.1756

  35. Hennige, S.J., Wicks, L.C., Kamenos, N.A., Perna, G. Findlay, H.S. & Roberts, J.M. 2015. Hidden impacts of ocean acidification of live and dead coral framework. Proceedings of the Royal Society: B. 282:20150990  doi: 10.1098/rspb.2015.0990

  36. Attard, K., Stahl, H., Kamenos, N.A., Turner, G., Burdett, H.L., Glud, N.R. 2015. Benthic oxygen exchange in a live coralline algal bed and an adjacent sandy habitat: an eddy covariance study. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 535: 99-115 doi: 10.3354/meps11413

  37. Burdett, H.L., Hatton, A.D. & Kamenos, N.A. 2015. Effects of reduced salinity on the photosynthetic characteristics and intracellular DMSP concentrations of the red coralline alga, Lithothamnion glaciale. Marine Biology. 162:1077-1085  Doi:10.1007/s00227-015-2650-8

  38. Pauly, M., Kamenos, N.A., Donohue, P. & LeDrew, E. 2015 Coralline algal Mg-O bond strength as a marine pCO2 proxy. Geology. 43:267-270 doi:10.1130/G36386.1

  39. Fitzer, S.C., Zhu, W., Tanner, K.E., Phoenix, V.R., Kamenos, N.A. & Cusack, M. 2015 Ocean acidification alters the material properties of Mytilus edulis shells. Journal of the Royal Society: Interface 20141227 doi:10.1098/rsif.2014.1227

  40. McCoy, S. & Kamenos, N.A. 2015. Coralline algae in a changing world: Integrating ecological, physiological and geochemical responses to global change (review article). Journal of Phycology. 51:6-24 doi: 10.1111/jpy.12262

  41. Cusack, M, Kamenos, N.A., Rollion-Bard, C. & Tricot, G. Red coralline algae assessed as marine pH proxies using 11B MAS NMR. Scientific Reports. 5:8175 doi: 10.1038/srep08175

  42. Hennige, S.J., Morrison, C.L., Form, A.U., Büscher, J., Kamenos, N.A. & Roberts, J.M. 2014. Self-recognition in corals facilitates deep-sea habitat engineering. Scientific Reports. 4:6782 doi: 10.1038/srep06782

  43. Fitzer, S., Phoenix, V., Cusack, M. & Kamenos, N.A. 2014. Ocean acidification changes mussel biomineralisation pathways. Scientific Reports. 4:6218 doi: 10.1038/srep06218

  44. Burdett, H.L., Keddie, V., MacArthur, N., McDowall, L., McLeicsh, J., Spielvogel, E. & Kamenos, N.A. 2014. Dynamic photoinhibiton exhibited by Red Sea coralline algae. BMC Plant Biology. 14:139 doi:10.1186/1471-2229-14-139

  45. Fitzer, S., Phoenix, V., Cusack, M. & Kamenos, N.A. 2014. Ocean acidification reduces crystallographic control in juvenile mussel shells. Journal of Structural Biology. 188: 39-45

  46. Burdett, H.L., Carruthers, M., Donohue, P.J.C., Wicks, L., Hennige, S.J., Roberts, J.M. & Kamenos, N.A. 2014. Effects of high temperature and CO2 on intracellular DMSP in the cold-water coral, Lophelia pertusa. Marine Biology. DOI 10.1007/s00227-014-2435-5

  47. Hennige S.J., Wicks L.C., Kamenos, N.A., Bakker D., Findlay H.S., Dumousseaud C. & Roberts J.M. 2014. Short – term metabolic and growth responses of the cold water coral Lophelia pertusa to predicted rises in atmospheric CO2. Deep Sea Research II. DOI:10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.07.005

  48. Brodie, J. et al. (including Kamenos, N.A.) 2014. The future of the NE Atlantic benthic flora in a high CO2 world. Ecology and Evolution. DOI:10.1002/ece3.1105

  49. Kamenos, N.A., Burdett, H.L., Aloisio, E., Findlay, H.F., Longbone, C., Dunn, J., Widdicombe, S. & Calosi, P. 2013. Coralline algae respond differently to rate and magnitude of ocean acidification. Global Change Biology. 19:3621–3628 doi:10.1111/gcb.12351

  50. Burdett, H.L., Donohue, P.J.C., Hatton. A.D., Alwany, M. & Kamenos, N.A. 2013. Spatiotemporal variability of dimethylsulphoniopropionate on a fringing coral reef: the role of reefal carbonate chemistry. PLoS One. 8: e64651. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0064651

  51. Cusack, M., Guo, D., Chung, P. & Kamenos, N.A. 2013. Biomineral repair of Abalone shell apertures. Structural Biology. 183:165-171

  52. Wicks, L.C., Hennige, S.J., Kamenos, N.A., and Roberts, J.M., 2013, Carbon budget of the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa. British Oceanographic Data Centre - Natural Environment Research Council. DOI:10.5285/e4887142-c2b6-2cde-e044-000b5de50f38

  53. Birchenough, S., Bremner, J, Henderson, P., Hinz, H., Jenkins, S., Mieszkowska, N., Roberts, J.M., Kamenos, N.A. & Plenty, S. 2013. Shallow and shelf subtidal habitats and ecology. DEFRA Marine Climate Change Impact Card.

  54. Birchenough, S., Bremner, J, Henderson, P., Hinz, H., Jenkins, S., Mieszkowska, N., Roberts, J.M., Kamenos, N.A. & Plenty, S. 2013. Impacts of climate change on shallow and shelf subtidal habitats. MCCIP Science Review 2013: 193-203. DOI:10.14465/2013.arc20.193-203.

  55. Kamenos, N.A., Hoey, T., Nienow, P., Fallick, A.E. & Claverie, T. 2012. Reconstructing Greenland Ice Sheet runoff using red coralline algae. Geology. 40:1095-1098 doi:10.1130/G33405.1

  56. Burdett H.L., Aloisio E., Calosi P., Findlay H.S., Widdicombe S., Hatton A.D. & Kamenos, N.A. 2012. The effect of chronic and acute low pH on the intracellular DMSP production and epithelial cell morphology of red coralline algae. Marine Biology Research 8:756-763

  57. Rix, L.N., Burdett, H.L. & Kamenos N.A. 2012. Irradiance-mediated dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP) responses of red coralline algae. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 96:268-272

  58. Burdett, H.L., Hennige, S.J., Francis, F.T.-Y., & Kamenos, N.A. 2012. Characterising the photokinetics of red coralline algae using pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) fluorometry. Botanica Marina. 55: 499-509. DOI: 10.1515/bot-2012-0135

  59. Burdett, H.L, Kamenos, N.A. & Law, A. 2011. Using coralline algae to understand historic marine cloud cover. Palaeoceanography, Palaeoclimatology & Palaeoecology. 302: 65-70

  60. Kamenos, N.A. 2010. North Atlantic summers have warmed more than winters since 1351 and the response of marine zooplankton. PNAS. 107, 22442-22447

  61. Kamenos, N.A. & Law, A. 2010. Temperature controls on coralline algal growth. Journal of Phycology. 46: 331-335

  62. Kamenos, N.A., Cusack, M., Huthwelker, T., Lagarde, P. & Scheibling, R.E. 2009. Mg-lattice associations in red coralline algae. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta .73: 1901-1907

  63. Kamenos, N.A., Strong, S.C., Shenoy, D., Wilson, S.T., Hatton, A.D. & Moore, P.G. 2008. Red coralline algae as a source of the climate gas dimethylsulphoniopropionate. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 372: 61-66

  64. Kamenos, N.A., Cusack, M. & Moore, P.G. 2008. Red coralline algae are global palaeothermometers with bi-weekly resolution. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta. 72: 771-779

  65. Linge,H., Lauritzen, S.E., Mangerud, J, Kamenos, N.A. & Ghererdi, J.-M. 2008. Assessing the use of U-Th dating for cold-water calcareous algae. Quaternary Geochronology 3: 76-88

  66. Claveire, T & Kamenos, N.A. 2008. Spawning aggregations and mass movements in subtidal Onchidoris bilamellata (Mollusca; Opisthobranchia). Journal of the Marine Biological Association U.K. 88: 157-159

  67. Kamenos, N.A., Calosi, P. & Moore, P.G. 2006. Substratum-mediated heart rate responses of an invertebrate to predation threat. Animal Behaviour. 71: 809-813

  68. Downie, J.R., Robinson, E., Linklater-McLennan, R.J. & Kamenos, N.A. 2005. The costs of extended larval transport in the Trinidadian stream frog, Mannophryne trinitatis (Dendrobatodae). J. Natural History 39: 2023-2034

  69. Kamenos, N.A., Moore, P.G. & Hall-Spencer, J.M. 2004. Nursery-area function of maerl (subtidal red coralline algae) grounds for juvenile queen scallops Aequipecten opercularis and other invertebrates. Marine Ecology Progress Series 274: 183-189

  70. Kamenos, N.A., Moore, P.G. & Hall-Spencer, J.M. 2004. The small-scale distribution of gadoids in shallow inshore waters; what role does maerl play? ICES Journal of Marine Science 61: 422-429

  71. Kamenos, N.A., Moore, P.G. & Hall-Spencer, J.M. 2004. Maerl grounds provide both refuge and high growth potential for juvenile queen scallops (Aequipecten opercularis). J. Experimental Marine Biology & Ecology  313: 241-254

  72. Kamenos, N.A., Moore, P.G. & Hall-Spencer, J.M. 2004. The attachment of the juvenile queen scallop (Aequipecten opercularis) to maerl in mesocosm conditions: juvenile habitat selection. J. Experimental Marine Biology & Ecology 306: 139-155

  73. Jackson, C.M., Kamenos N.A., Moore, P.G. & Young, M. 2004. Meiofaunal bivalves in maerl, and other substrata; their diversity and community structure. Ophelia 58: 49-60

  74. Kamenos, N.A., Moore, P.G. & Hall-Spencer, J.M. 2003. The heterogeneity of dredged versus un-dredged maerl grounds. Journal of the Marine Biological Association U.K. 83: 411-413

© 2024 by Nick Kamenos

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