Latest News
Excited to see our paper published in the journal Science! where we show we show that massive Arctic calcareous reefs, built slowly by the alga Clathromorphum nereostratum over centuries to millennia, are now declining because of the emerging interplay between urchin predator (sea otter) loss and climate change.
Excited to see our paper, led by Jinhua Mao our recently graduate PhD student, on the relationships between blue carbon, climate change and land use published in Global Change Biology!
07 Jun 2018
We have an exciting position available for a group technician. The post holder will support the research within the Marine Global Change Group (MGCG) in the School of Geographical and Earth Sciences at the University of Glasgow. The role will include working with the MGCG in the field and laboratories to process biological and geochemical samples, along with opportunities to access cutting edge analytical facilities (e.g. mass spectrometry) within the School. The position will suit candidates that have experience working with, and analysing, environmental, water and/or biogeochemical samples.
Deadline for applications: 21st of June 2018
Full details and application process: Full job details and information on the application process can be found with the job reference (021123) at the application portal:
Excitied that our hardy coralliths paper (doi:10.1038/s41598-017-13668-7) describing how coralliths contribute to reef formation in extreme environments has been covered by Reuters
Thrilled to see our paper published in Frontiers in Marine Science: In situ Response of Tropical Coralline Algae to a Novel Thermal Regime.
Marine Trailer: a quick clip with excellent footage by Alex giving a glimpse of our summer sampling campaign in Greenland. Move to come!
Very exciting, NERC has covered the group's research on coralline algae in a recent article in Plant Earth!
VSCO interview Alex Ingle on his role during our summer field campaign to Greenland including some juicy coralline algal facts!
02 Jan 2017
Teaser 1: Terrestrial team. A video teaser of our summer field campaign to Greenland is out! Filmed and edited by the very talented Alex Ingle; you can see more of his work here:
PhD position available: Oceans on Acid: using historic ocean acidification to understand marine ecosystem function under global change
21 Nov 2016
Exciting position for a PhD scholar is available in my group at Glasgow. The scholar will reconstruct historic ocean acidification and determine its role in driving ecosystem structure. .
Post doctoral research assistant in palaeoenvironmental reconstruction available in my group
04 Nov 2016
Exciting position for a post doctoral research assistant available in my group at Glasgow. The position will involve using our brand new, in house, LA-ICPMS and IRMS systems to determine palaeoenvironmental conditions from biogenic carbonates collected from the west coast of Greenland.
Jinhua presents at MASTS!
18 Oct 2016
Group PhD student gave excellent talk on #bluecarbon at the 2016 Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland Annual Science Meeting
13 Oct 2016
Our new School video is out: come and study with us at Glasgow!
(video features our science too!)
11 Oct 2016